Wednesday, May 1, 2024
cbd oil
cbd oil
CBD – The Source of CBD Explained


It should come as no surprise that people are searching for new ways to include CBD into their daily routines given the compound’s extraordinary surge to popularity over the past ten or more years. CBD is everyone’s favorite cannabinoid.

The majority of individuals resort to CBD oil, but it’s not their only choice. In recent years, CBD edibles have become increasingly popular, while topicals have gained appeal due to their specific anti-inflammatory properties.

Regarding the source, though, what are your thoughts? Where exactly does the CBD that is present in each of these products come from? Let me explain.

One of the numerous varieties of the cannabis sativa L. genus is hemp. Hemp is cultivated specifically for its high CBD content and low THC levels. Legally, hemp must have less than 0.3% THC, the psychoactive ingredient. CBD is extracted from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the hemp plant using various methods such as CO2 extraction or solvent extraction.

The fundamental structure of all cannabis strains, hemp or not, is the same. The roots, leaves, main stem, branches, and flowers are their major constituents. In addition to anchoring the plant, the roots take up nutrients from the growth substrate. While the stem and branches sustain the entire structure and move water and nutrients to other parts of the plant, such as the flowers, photosynthesis takes place in the leaves.

The microscopic, crystal-like growths known as trichomes are present on the surface of cannabis flowers as well as some leaves. Under a microscope, they resemble tiny hairs or transparent mushrooms, but they are actually tiny resin glands packed with flavonoids—chemicals that give cannabis its characteristic color—terpenes, or fragrant compounds, and cannabinoids, including THC and CBD. Since all belong to the class of phytochemicals, they are substances with biological activity.

While not all hemp strains will provide high concentrations of CBD, over the past 20 years, a number of hemp strains have seen a slow but steady increase in CBD levels, much like the recreational THC market, which has placed a strong emphasis on developing strains with ever-increasing THC levels. 

How Quickly Does CBD Flower Work?

That entirely relies on how it is consumed.

The benefits of dried CBD Hanf flowers may be taken in distinct ways like in edibles, oils and many other ways and each method has a unique duration of action before any results become apparent.

It’s also critical to realize that, even though we can provide some general guidelines here, a number of factors, including your unique body chemistry, metabolism, diet, stress level, and any underlying medical conditions, may influence how you personally perceive and experience the effects of CBD.

Does Consuming CBD Flowers Give You a High?

Generally speaking, any product sold as CBD hemp flower should have less than 0.3% THC (or 0.2% THC in other countries). Flowers infused with CBD shouldn’t have any intoxicating effects if you purchase them from a reliable and respectable vendor.

Thanks for reading this post. To know more about CBD flowers, visit